Jaded Touch Vesper Volume 2 Nola Sarina 9781491036631 Books

Jaded Touch Vesper Volume 2 Nola Sarina 9781491036631 Books
Jaded Touch is the second book in the Vesper series however is perfectly capable of being a stand alone book. There are a few parts you may understand a little more if you have read book one but nothing to major that you will be lost.I honestly think this book was better than her first one in the series. The writing was smoother, less errors (yeah, I know...My review has errors,too. But hey, I don't have an editor. LOL), and the conversations were realistic (well, as realistic as you can get in paranormal type books, LOL). I really do love the fact that Nola Sarina chose to think outside of your normal Vampire/Werewolf storyline and opt for something a little more unique.
The Maid (what female Vespers are called..I know a bit sexist sounding right? LOL) Three (Yes, her name is Three) has had a rough life as a Vesper. Always being tormented by her "sisters" because she was created differently than they were. Even her human life was full of tourture. This is her life now though, right? Follow all orders, have no relationships with anyone....a slave in ways.. No way out....Right?
Jack, while human (a very yummy human, no pun intended lol), works for the Vespers as a train operator. He knows what the Vespers are. He also understands how dangerous his job is as well. There's something about Three though that he can't get enough of and when a strange event occurs and she saves his life he gets to spend more one on one time with her. He wants her, badly. Badly enough though that he wants to risk his life for? Even if it's worth it to him, can he get her to believe that it's worth risking her life for him as well? Because after all...what he wants means death for them both

Tags : Jaded Touch (Vesper) (Volume 2) [Nola Sarina] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Three is tormented by the branding scars on her back, broken memories of her fallen creator, and the looming consequences of her secret friendship with Sychar - a male of her kind - a high crime in her world of serpentine guardians. Then along comes Jack - the human train engineer she saves in an explosion. His touch weakens both her knees and her sense of duty. Now Three must choose between her immortal duties,Nola Sarina,Jaded Touch (Vesper) (Volume 2),CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,149103663X,Romance - Paranormal,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction Romance Paranormal,Fiction Romance Paranormal General,Romance,Romance - Paranormal - General
Jaded Touch Vesper Volume 2 Nola Sarina 9781491036631 Books Reviews
3.5 Stars
Nolan Sarina is a talented author. She effortlessly creates a mythology that is both intriguing and bone chilling with her Vesper series. This second installment in the series does not disappoint.
Jaded Touch is entertaining, exciting, sexy, and, surprisingly, a tear-jerker. Sarina once again tells a tale of forbidden love while revealing more of the Vespers' history and their role in protecting humanity. Three, a Vesper Maid, finds herself loving not one, but two men, that could mean not only her death, but theirs as well. When an unforseen event draws attention to her, Three must make choices that change her life forever.
Jaded Touch, as a novella, isn't long, but it packs a punch. Filled with both romance and friendship, emotions overflow, at times leaving me in tears. I adored Three's relationship with Sychar (who makes his first appearance in book one). It's clear that these two have known each other for awhile. Every page they share is warm and familiar, their conversations natural, their love for each other evident. On the other hand, I didn't really feel Three's relationship with Jack, a human, which felt forced on me for the sake of plot. Honestly, I didn't like Jack all that much and didn't care for Three when she was with him.
Overall, Jaded Touch is a fun read with a nice blend of romance, paranormal lore, and action. Heat Level 2
*I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review*
Brief Summary Three has been forced to live with the torment from other Vespers for as long as she can remember. Even the memories of her creator have been ripped away from her and the only thing she is left with is her scars. Humans are merely food for Vespers but Three is interested in Jack for more than a meal, he brings out something in her that she has never felt before...and she is willing to fight to keep it.
Review Jaded Touch is probably the best novella I have read in a long time, not counting the first one, Gilded Destiny. Going in I didn't know what to expect because it is a stand-alone sequel and I loved the characters in the first novella. However I came to love Three even more. She is so lonely and tormented. I wanted to grow claws myself and rip holes in the other Vespers who tortured her. I felt so sorry for her that she is not even left with the memories of her creator, but instead the knowledge that she is different the rest of the Maids because she was made by a Gent, or male Vesper. The forbidden friendship that Three has with a male Vesper, Sychar made me jump for joy (in my head) because she actually has one person who cares about her. The revelation at the end of the novella honestly made me tear up and is completely shocking, I never would have guessed.
And Jack...[sigh]...what to say about Jack? I love Jack. He is the much needed distraction and liberation that Three needs. I love him for pursuing a relationship with Three, a Vesper who can kill him in seconds. I love him for helping Three face her apprehension about her scars. I love him for dominating her. I love him for sticking with her till the end.
Nola Sarina's Vesper novellas have become one of my favorite series. Jaded Touch stands alone from Gilded Destiny but it is nonetheless an amazing novella. I really enjoyed this novella because even though it is shorter, it is a completed story (even though I would have liked more because I liked the story so much). Nola creates characters that I become attached to and want them to live and get their HEA.
Overall Jaded Touch is an amazing novella because of the personal and emotional turmoil that Three faces and the love that she earns that she so greatly deserves. I give this novella 5 stakes(stars) and I would definitely read a third novella or anything else by this author.
* I received a copy in exchange for an honest review.
*Full review on [...]
I love how this author takes an epic, tragic world and brings it to life with her character's irreverent sense of humor. Jack was the best, such a breath of fresh air. His journey with Three was wrought with twists that were never quite what I expected, and the stakes were excruciating. Plus, I find the whole idea of a vampires falling in love with a train conductor unreasonably sexy. 4 stars!
Jaded Touch is the second book in the Vesper series however is perfectly capable of being a stand alone book. There are a few parts you may understand a little more if you have read book one but nothing to major that you will be lost.
I honestly think this book was better than her first one in the series. The writing was smoother, less errors (yeah, I know...My review has errors,too. But hey, I don't have an editor. LOL), and the conversations were realistic (well, as realistic as you can get in paranormal type books, LOL). I really do love the fact that Nola Sarina chose to think outside of your normal Vampire/Werewolf storyline and opt for something a little more unique.
The Maid (what female Vespers are called..I know a bit sexist sounding right? LOL) Three (Yes, her name is Three) has had a rough life as a Vesper. Always being tormented by her "sisters" because she was created differently than they were. Even her human life was full of tourture. This is her life now though, right? Follow all orders, have no relationships with anyone....a slave in ways.. No way out....Right?
Jack, while human (a very yummy human, no pun intended lol), works for the Vespers as a train operator. He knows what the Vespers are. He also understands how dangerous his job is as well. There's something about Three though that he can't get enough of and when a strange event occurs and she saves his life he gets to spend more one on one time with her. He wants her, badly. Badly enough though that he wants to risk his life for? Even if it's worth it to him, can he get her to believe that it's worth risking her life for him as well? Because after all...what he wants means death for them both

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