The Last Swordmage A Magic of Solendrea Novel eBook Martin Hengst Amber Bungo

The Last Swordmage A Magic of Solendrea Novel eBook Martin Hengst Amber Bungo
I really wasn't sure if I would like this book, but I must say I really like the story. A girl thrown into slavery by her father is rescued by a man from being beheaded and taught to be the warrior he was. The captain is inspiring,patient,honourable.This is an excellent read for everyone.
Tags : The Last Swordmage: A Magic of Solendrea Novel - Kindle edition by Martin Hengst, Amber Bungo. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Last Swordmage: A Magic of Solendrea Novel.,ebook,Martin Hengst, Amber Bungo,The Last Swordmage: A Magic of Solendrea Novel,Fiction Fantasy Epic,Fiction Fantasy General
The Last Swordmage A Magic of Solendrea Novel eBook Martin Hengst Amber Bungo Reviews
This reads like a first draft. 1. The characters are static, 2. The villains' motivations are not well thought out, 3. The setting is somehow both bland and overdone, 4. The pacing is rushed towards the end. It feels like the author got tired of writing and just slapped together an ending.
This is the second book ever that I will take the time to completely remove from my account, not just delete from my device.
I really enjoyed this book. It has a few shortcomings, but overall it was an engaging and enjoyable read. From some of the more critical reviews there are a few valid points. The story does seem a bit underdeveloped, which should actually be encouraging to the author, as we the readers are saying we like this story, we just want a little more! A few reviewers complain about the lack of description, but I didn't mind. I much prefer a story of action than long descriptive paragraphs about architecture or décor etc. etc. I thought it was descriptive enough. A few reviewers felt the battle scenes and the lead up to the battle were a little thin, and in this I would agree. A writer has a fine line to tread here. You want the lead up to be gripping enough to provide the tension a story needs, but sometimes authors go overboard and maybe it is because I'm a girl, but my eyes can glaze over when battle sequences get too detailed. It did seem a little quick for Tia to go from trainee to full on battle-bad ass. A mistake or two, a stumble or lesson learned might have made the transition more believable. Another complaint, the lack of female characters, is valid. However, this is clearly a 'man's world' or seems so at this point. Women seem fairly subordinate in this world and Tia stands out for that reason. The focus of the story is Tia and her relationship with The Captain and some authors get bogged down in too many other characters and sub plots. I'm fine with the story being centered on Tia and Sir. The story leaves me with questions though. If the King is so old, are there children? heirs to his throne? Is there a Queen? I would enjoy learning more about the Kingdom and their enemies. More about the magic and Tia's capabilities. Which is why I'll be reading the next 2 books ) As a footnote, the only thing that really bothered me, was why Tia didn't suggest freeing the innkeeper's dtr. The girl was incredibly kind to Tia and it would have been a great way to repay the favor. What Tia turned down, I'm sure the innkeeper's dtr. would have given anything to have.
I'm 55 percent thru this book...and I've just got to let you know now, it's a very few book that pulls me in the way this one does. I feel like I'm watching a movie. Or for better words like I'm up in a corner in the ceiling watching everything unfold. The writing is suburb. I'm going to read everything this author has ever put out. It has left me clearing tears from my eyes in a way that I need to know what's coming next. All I can say is.....BRAVO! I know people usually write reviews. I'm really bad about doing the same thing. I need to apologize to a lot of author's for reading their books and not giving them the credit they deserve. I'm not good at this. I don't know what to say about what the story is about. Characters and all that...but I'm one of those people who loves to read. I'm no spring chicken either. I'm just this side of 60. But I myself check reviews when I'm deciding whether to read a book or not. I'm telling you now, if I were you....I wouldn't pass up this book. Maddie
The Last Swordmage was an enjoyable read that ended too quickly. Though "typical fantasy" in many respects, I particularly liked its unique magic of a swordsman who could use magic despite most mages' inability to do so. I liked the story and appreciated a tale in which the tie between the main characters really had no romantic undertones at all. It was a quick read that was easily finished in an afternoon with a complete stand alone story.
The characters and situations held much promise, but everything was accomplished far too easily. When the story suggested that there would be a long hard journey to get to the capital, I didn't expect that they'd arrive on the next page. The stage was set for Tiadaria's status as a slave to be a major problem, and yet it presented few difficulties. I liked the story, but it left me wanting details that simply weren't there. An epic battle should require more than two pages to tell. I'd really enjoy a second draft of this tale where the characters were more fully fleshed out, especially the Xurundi, and relationships between characters go beyond a single explanatory line. I'd like to read some of what happened enroute to the capital as they raced against time and the arrival of the Xurundi. I'd like to see how word of the Captain's arrival was spread. This fine story could be much more than it is.
On the positive side, the quick, bare-bones characterizations were masterful in their simplicity and the tale avoids the annoying angst that too often slows down really good adventure stories. The writing is crisp and devoid of grammatical error. If you want to enjoy an epic tale, but don't want to invest a lot of time in it, The Last Swordmage is perfect.
I was looking for a new series to take my mind off of unpacking the many boxes from my move. I found it. I started reading Magic of Solendrea at lunchtime, and my lunch got extended a little bit. After emptying a few more boxes, setting up a TV set downstairs and starting to setup a computer work station, supper called. Time to continue with the story. Again, the story sucked me in and I was immersed with the land of Solendrea and the new characters that grew in my mind. My plate is now empty, some food was eaten not as warm as when I sat down, but I also finished this story; I just couldn't put it down. I now have to go and find book 2, cause I really want to find out what happens next. I do wish that the story was a bit longer, but I definitely am glad I finished it as well as my supper.
I really wasn't sure if I would like this book, but I must say I really like the story. A girl thrown into slavery by her father is rescued by a man from being beheaded and taught to be the warrior he was. The captain is inspiring,patient,honourable.This is an excellent read for everyone.

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